Blueprint Seminar Testimonials

  • "Intense. Confidence in my future and ready to head into year 12 next year." Noah Dempsey

  • "We gained knowledge on some key strategies and specific skills and self talk that sets us on the right mindset to focus on VCE." Jenny Nguyen

  • "Eye opening. Realised many important things about how to handle things and mindset." Tanya Dadlani

  • "Eye opening. I have never been more engaged and inspired during a lecture. I have genuinely gained a lot from today and want to thank Hanna for everything." Kavini Vithana

  • "Helpful. I learned of many useful tips that will assist me in VCE."Nimesh Fernandos

  • "Informative. The session was very interesting and the presenter was fantastic." Isobel Sacco

  • "Mindblowing. Numerous insightful skills to kick-start my VCE studies." Prislene Singh

  • "Beneficial. Through this program I learnt not only how to be successful at VCE, but at life." Selnour Toul

  • "Helpful. I feel more prepared to manage the upcoming VCE year and I think I will do well!" Dante Romeo

  • "Motivating. It was good to listen to somebody who actually implements these strategies in their everyday life." Katherine Marsciano

  • "Interactive. Hanna was the best person to present this course. He was really down to earth and anecdotal which made it even easier to engage and keep focused. Fantastic class!" Caitlin Mitchell

  • "Facts. The presenter was so honest with his experiences and his talk motivates me to succeed." Amanda Asham

  • "Beneficial. Turning point in my life." Patrick Loleng

  • "Inspiring. This seminar has inspired me to take control of my life and start to make changes.” Brittney Jones
  • “Excellent. It was engaging and helpful. I enjoyed it and would love to attend again.”  Vicki Saad
  • “It was very interesting to be given other ideas and opinions that will hopefully benefit us in our VCE.” Aleksandra Mellups-Smith
  • "Interesting and pleasing. I learnt and understood how to manage my time set my mindset and enjoy studying." Fadi Fahd
  • "Inspirational. Made me feel much more confident about my abilities." Olivia Craig
  • "Informative. I feel more motivated and confident towards my VCE." Hannah Barkla
  • "Great. Very interesting, don’t miss it." Sebastian Sauage
  • "Helpful. This seminar was so helpful and it can really apply to my VCE years at school." Tina Gunasekara
  • "Amazing. The blueprint to VCE success really changed the way I’ve been thinking about year 12. I’m excited and ready to go now." Stephanie Huhon
  • "AWESOME! Definitely worth the time and money, some really good skills to improve my VCE experience." Luke Catania
  • "Helpful. I learnt some new study techniques which will defiantly make a difference in my study routine." James Smith
  • "Inspiring. Hanna seems like a very unique person. He speaks from experience and it is very amusing to watch his enthusiasm." Elizabeth Duong
  • "Motivational. This seminar taught me ways on how to succeed not only in VCE but also in life. I gained lots of motivation from this seminar." Shaun Pye
  • "Informative. I gained a lot of information that I know will help me through the coming year. I definitely know how to keep myself motivated now." Niusha Ravadgar
  • ''Inspirational. Helped my motivational levels which I really needed, made me feel more confident about myself and my VCE studies." Maddison Beck
  • "Beneficial. I was able to clarify my VCE goals, discover things that can possibly motivate me and discover tolls to increase my organisational skills. I found this seminar very helpful." Madeline McKinlay
  • "I have learnt a lot about myself, my strengths and weaknesses. Now it is much easier to achieve my goal because I know where I need improvement!" Nikol Zun
  • "How to manage time, how not to be stressed, nutrition, exercise requirements, how to develop good memory, how to create a study plan, concentration skills." Sayonne Sivalingam
  • "Excellent. More self confidence and great techniques I could use in succeeding in VCE." Kosta Katsaros
  • "Fantastic. Understanding the pressure and expectations of going into VCE." Natalie Santopietro
  • "Successful. I gained a lot about time management and especially about how to do a study plan. Presentation was EXCELLENT!!!" Virnushee Balendran
  • "Inspiring. I feel I've gained a lot of insight into how to take on this very important year and feel more confident that I can succeed with hard work and proper planning." Sam Gan
  • "I gained better ways to manage my time but most importantly I gained the motivation to apply strategies to help me succeed." Chelsea Quirk
  • "Fantastic. Great advice on study techniques and how to prepare myself for VCE- Feeling a lot more confident." Jennifer Endresz
  • "Helpful. It helps people to build up confidence to face VCE and helped us gain study skills that will help us in upcoming years." Piumi Bamunuarachchi
  • "Encouraging. Learnt great ways to improve the way I study and not to be so negative." Stephanie Ritchie
  • "Helpful. It was inspiring to know we can achieve VCE success." Briony Chappel
  • "Eye-opening. Very encouraging - I'm quite a lazy person so giving me the advice to go to my goals & remind myself of my 'promise' each day was quite beneficial for me. I won't let you or myself down." Helena Proimos
  • "Inspiring. Really really helpful. Heaps of great tips & info to get through VCE. A+."   Morgan Tantau
  • "Inspiring. I feel more inspired to study, especially as we were given a personal experience from the speaker on how it worked for him." Ellen McCaffrey
  • "Motivational. It was motivational and it helped me in understanding how to succeed better in VCE." Marrissa Setyabudhi
  • "Amazing. This program was so much more than I expected, and gave me so many new skills and strategies that were simple and easy to do at home. It made me so much more enthusiastic about study and year 12 in general and was all round a great session. Thank you so much!" Charlotte Durand
  • "Helpful. Helpful skills to make VCE a less stressful and beneficial time to do my best." Jesenia Biskic
  • "Entertaining. Learned valuable study skills. Learned ways to concentrate more." Jemma Croft
  • "Fantastic. Strategies to succeed and achieve my goals for VCE." Clinton Alexander
  • "Awesome. Excellent study skills, organisational skills, self respect." Abraham Bamford
  • "Helpful. It was useful as it provided an idea of what was to come and how to plan and prepare for VCE." Michael Hanrahan
  • "Informative. I learnt that with a little bit of thought anything can be achieved. Also, that there is a lot more time available to me than I thought I had." Niam St. John
  • "Positive. I learnt that by having a positive mindset it can help you succeed." Leigh Dean
  • "Effective. I learned about special tips I could use in VCE as well as improve my attitude in order to get higher results." Shiamalan Thanaskanda
  • "Positive. I now know what is involved in succeeding in different aspects of life and what attitude to have."  Jon-Anthony D'Asta
  • "Fun. It was an easy to follow presentation (though I'm not sure if it was to do with the music) and I know I'll try some of these methods." Jarrod Bunyan
  • "Motivating. It gave me more confidence to success in VCE and it made it seem possible and an achievable goal. Many helpful skills." Clarisse Bonello
  • "Fantastic. The program really cleared a lot of things up for me, it made me feel motivated and confident with my studies and the ability to do well in VCE. I found the strategies really good and effective and feel they will help me with my studies." Ema Biskic
  • "Extraordinary. A very inspirational and helpful program, which answers the questions you really can't get answered. Great speaker, with a clear tone, very engaging." Vaibhav Verma
  • "Helpful. I really enjoyed it. I felt that I learned a lot and feel confident for my upcoming VCE years." Zoe de Kock
  • "Confidence. I found it very interesting and this program has highly boosted my confidence into achieving my full potential of a high ENTER score. Thank you Hanna! You are awesome." James Mangaliman
  • "Worthwhile. New ways and ideas on how to manage time and inspiration to do well." Rachel Lee
  • "Helpful. Inspiration to do my work and go well in VCE." Ourania Hatzopoulos
  • "Inspirational. Firstly Hanna Farah was a great speaker, he kept my attention for the full 4 hours and was really funny. The whole lecture was very broad and was extremely helpful. Thank you!" Natalie Studdert
  • "Helpful. I gained valuable skills which I know that are good and are easy to implement on a daily basis and I learnt these very easily from the excellent presenter." Adrian Falso
  • "Brilliant. After attending 10 or more study skills lectures, this lecture offered by TSSM is the best study skills program that I've ever attended." Julian Jom
  • "Motivating. Practical skills that are easy to implement, work at and improve on. Thanks heaps, it was great. Really glad I decided to come." Laura Ensor
  • "Motivational. I gained skills in time management, how to overcome procrastination and achieve better VCE results."
    Viktoria Tasova
  • "Marvellous. I gained a lot on motivation and how I can motivate myself. Also I am not as stressed about VCE as I was." Tugba Cayhan
  • "Motivational. An idea of what levels of work are needed for success and the mindset I need for that success." Trent Stevenson
  • "In depth. I am motivated and understand what it takes to achieve my best in VCE and life." Nick Jackson
  • "Eye opener. It has taught me how to handle VCE and not to get bogged down. It has also taught me how to challenge myself further." Amandeep Singh
  • "Motivating. It was a good insight on how I can improve my methods of studying to gain optimum results. I truly believe that the tips and strategies will benefit me in my attempt for VCE success. Thank you very much for the seminar." Fatmir Azemi
  • "From attending this program I gained tips and reassurances on excellent habits. It felt good to attend a program like this once in a while. It makes me feel better. I think I have gained a lot and hope to use it effectively. Thanks for all I have gained." Janki Solanki
  • "Fantastic. A basis that will enable me to build on. Advice on how to work towards my goal. Fantastic program that I gained so much from." Xavier Loader
  • "I found the Advanced Blueprint to VCE Success program to be very interesting and the techniques taught, which I have tried have seemed to be very effective so far." Jack Sun
  • "Inspiration to do well and to do my best in everything, to always think positive. It inspired me!" Jackie Cachia
  • "Easy to understand, the presenter relayed information, comparing it to his own life. I felt it was very productive, I feel more confident in achieving my VCE goals! Thank you." Ashleigh Greenaway
  • "I learnt a lot from Hanna and I really enjoyed listening to him. He had great energy and I'd love to come back to TSSM later on in the year.'' Maria Voidis
  • "I gained plenty of goals, tips and strategies that I plan to use when I leave." Luca Corvetti

  • "I gained confidence in myself, and I am now sure I can complete year 12." William Knight

  • "I gained a base/foundation of study skills and other helpful devices to help me for year 12 and life." Lucas Czajko

  • "Informative. I gained the knowledge of how to successfully make myself concentrate and ways to keep on top of subjects." Tom Herron

  • "I gained study skills/techniques, what must be done to achieve my goals, and how to effectively manage time and create a study timetable to assist." Joel Landman

  • "Very, very good. Amazing talk, Hanna is an interesting speaker who keeps you engaged, which is great!" Luke Mason

  • "I've gained so much information. After all the frustration with my past exams, Hanna made me think outside the box and motivated me so much more than I could believe. I would recommend the lecture to anyone who wants to achieve their best." Nipuna Dissanayake
  • "Such a great program, very enthusiastic - Amazing!" Alexandra Bennett
  • "Informative, empowering." Alexandra Wheeldon
  • "A greater understanding of how to perform well in VCE." Erin McBride
  • "A unique insight into how I can approach the rest of the year and a renewed motivation to do well." Kate Lawrence
  • "The presentation was really engaging. I feel more confident for my two VCE years and I am glad I attended it." Long Lan
  • "I am more encouraged and relaxed after hearing the seminar. I feel more confident about achieving my ATAR and goals for VCE." Aarushi Ranjan
  • "The seminar helped me develop skills in time management and prepared me mentally for the hard year ahead." Jessica Francois
  • "I have learnt to prioritise my time and approach VCE in a positive way." Yunan Wang
  • "Starting off year 12 was daunting and stressful, especially when you know you only have one chance to achieve a certain score. But the seminar was inspiring and encouraging, educational and worthwhile - it really changed my view on my last year of high school." Danielle Maistry




Small Interactive Classes Easter Holiday Program Our Guarantee 3 for 2 Special Offer TSSM's Live & Online Private Tuition VIP Member
"Such a great holiday program, gaining much benefit heading into the next terms work."
- Kyle Oneil
"The notes that I was given will assist me in more detailed explanations in my essays."
- James English
"The notes are very specific, detailed and helpful. I am definitely going to use them as my main form of study."
- Crystal Garner
"This revision program has been so useful! My knowledge of what to write about on the exam is so much broader and I would recommend it to anyone wanting to do really well on the exams!"
- Emily Mumme
"I gained extra motivation and understanding in my studies as well as extra confidence. TSSM was the best thing I did for my schooling."
- Natalie Studdert
''TSSM's intensive weekly tutorials have reinforced the work I do at school. The notes are excellent and straight to the point. Time well spent."
- Hong Fei Ting
"It was brilliant! Such a good presenter really enjoyed it and learnt a lot. Definitely will come back for the end of year lectures."
- Simone Milenkovski
"TSSM has consolidated my knowledge on the areas of my study and it has significantly increased my confidence in my future exams. I am glad I chose TSSM."
- Anthony Tran

How satsfied were you with your VCE results?